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Maybe In My Dreams

Maybe In My Dreams

Dear Jesus I have a big question
Why doesn't it ever snow in my town
My mother said we live too far south
Her saying that sure made me frown.

Last night I watched a movie I really liked
Children were riding a sleigh down a hill
Their laughter made me wish I was there
Just thinking about it gives me a thrill.

I wish I could take a sleigh ride in the snow
It would even be fun having a snow fight
Jesus, please tell mom and dad what I want
I know if You do, things will work alright.

Jesus, I better tuck myself in and go to sleep
Maybe in my dreams I'll be playing in the snow
If I do dream of the snow one thing for sure
When I awaken my face will be all aglow.
Ralph L. Clark© 11-18-2008
all rights reserved

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