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The Last Episode

The Last Episode

Dying flowers cry for rain
Hungry babies cry for their mother
Sad people cry for companionship
At times all of us have reasons
To be sad one reason or another.

My world filled with bright sunshine
Is changing to darkness and frequent pain
The happy lives my love and I have shared
Like old newspapers is beginning to fade
Like roses will wither without rain.

Youth I thought would last forever
Is only the thinking of the young at heart
Wisdom I have gained has taught me
Death will come to my love and me
My heart cries thinking we'll have to part.

When that sad day arrives in my life
My days of sunshine will forever end
In it's place will be dark tearful clouds
Loneliness will engulf my heart and soul
The last episode of my life will begin.
Ralph L. Clark©
April 3, 2010
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