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The first moment I saw you

My heart flowed with emotion

I knew you were the girl to whom

I would give my life's devotion.

I'll always remember how good I felt

When I first asked you for a date

I was so eager to hear your reply

Was afraid I had waited too late.

You said you thought I'd never ask

Then you smiled and took my hand

My waiting heart swelled with pride

A happy life for us would be my plan.

We learned soon after we fell in love

That couples don't always agree

Sometimes I do things to upset you

At times you do the same to me.

We are very happy together now

Yet sometimes dark clouds do appear

Causing us to have a lover's quarrel

I know that I haven't anything to fear.

We married for better or for worse

All our storms we will weather

Our life together means everything

We will strive to stay together...


Ralph L. Clark ©
March 2009
All Rights Reserved

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